
Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Riverside Bible Church welcomes all visitors to explore our website and fellowship with us in the study of God’s word.

We take the privacy of our site visitors very seriously, and are happy to share our data security and privacy policy with you.
Please contact the webmaster if you have any questions or concerns.

What we Collect
We use Google Analytics’ analytics.js JavaScript library to measure, analyze, and report on traffic to our website. This is solely for our site capacity and bandwidth utilization planning.

We contribute anonymous data to a large aggregate data set for benchmarking and understanding data trends. All identifiable information about our visitors and our website is removed before it is contributed to this data set.
If necessary, Google technical support can access our Google Analytics account and data set to provide solutions to technical problems, but only at our request.

Visit to view Google Analytics’ data privacy and security policy.

How we Protect Your Data
We do NOT:

  • Share our usage data with Google or any third-party.
  • Collect data for advertising, remarketing, and advertising reporting. The User-ID feature for extended visitor tracking is not enabled.
  • Collect any personally identifiable information (PII), including IP addresses, device names, and user names. We do not collect personal, financial, or medical information. Individual user interactions are recorded by a unique, randomly-generated ID that cannot be reverse engineered to an IP address, machine name, or user name. In addition, we have enabled IP anonymization to ensure that IP addresses are not saved within our Google Analytics account.
  • Have an AdWords, AdSense, or AdExchange account. Anonymous visitor data is not linked to any AdWords, AdSense, or AdExchange account.

Anonymous visitor data is retained by Google Analytics for the minimum retention period (14 months) and is automatically deleted once it expires. We do not reset on new activity.

Since the RBC website is entirely public and does not require authentication, we do not use cookies.
Google Analytics creates first-party cookies named _ga, _gid, AMP_TOKEN, and _gac to identify unique users across browsing sessions, but these cookies all contain randomly-generated IDs and cannot identify users across different browsers or devices.

Visit to learn more about how Google Analytics uses cookies.
(note: only the analytics.js section applies to our site; we do not use Google Tag Manager).

We do not operate in the territory of a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, and are not otherwise subject to the territorial scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
However, since many of our visitors come from within the EEA, we have accepted a GDPR amendment for our Google Analytics account.

As stated previously, we do not collect any personal data as defined in the GDPR. No data we collect can be used to individually identify a person.